राज नारायण कॉलेज, हाजीपुर ने NAAC मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया के दूसरे चक्र को सफलतापूर्वक पूरा किया और उसे B+ दिया गया - सभी हितधारकों को बधाई! Raj Narain College, Hajipur successfully completed the second cycle of NAAC assessment process and was given Grade- B+ congratulations to all stakeholders!

Post Graduate Programmes (Two Year Four Semester Courses)

Regular Programmes
Subject Intake Fee Per Year(Rs.)
Gen SC/ST O.B.C.
English 195 1133 938 953
Economics 195 1133 938 953
Hindi 195 1133 938 953
History 195 1133 938 953
Mathematics 130 1133 938 953
Philosophy 195 1133 938 953
Political Science 195 1133 938 1288
Psychology 195 1468 1273 953
Urdu 195 1133 973 988
Botony 130 1468 1273 1288
Chemistry 130 1468 1273 1288
Physics 130 1468 1273 1288
Zoology 130 1133 938 953

Self Finance Programmes
Subject Intake Fee Per Year(Rs.)
Gen SC/ST O.B.C.
Commerce (Account) 100 2978 2753 2753
Electronics 64 4126 938 3278
Home Science 150 3478 3278 3278
Geography 150 3478 3278 3278
Music 48 3478 3278 3278
Sociology 150 2978 2753 2753