राज नारायण कॉलेज, हाजीपुर ने NAAC मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया के दूसरे चक्र को सफलतापूर्वक पूरा किया और उसे B+ दिया गया - सभी हितधारकों को बधाई! Raj Narain College, Hajipur successfully completed the second cycle of NAAC assessment process and was given Grade- B+ congratulations to all stakeholders!

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA )

Course Objective

The course has been designed for students who have just passed 10+2 and are looking forward to a challenging career in the corporate world. The course aims at providing exposure ot IT, management and software development . Students are also exposed to advance software applications, e-business and website management . Successful students will be able to secure career in programming and software development in the coorporate sectors as well as government sectors .

Course Duration

Three Years (Six Semester)

Elegibility for Admission

1. Entrance Test to be conducted by the University 2. Minimum eligibility to be appear in the Etrance Test :10+2 / I.A / I.Sc/XII Pass(C.B.S.C/ I.C.S.E)/ Other Equivallent Board.

Course Syllabus

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Course Time-Table

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Departmental Faculty

Name Designation Email Mobile Photo
Dr. Rakesh Ranjan Faculty [email protected] 9934097281
Prof. Rakesh kumar Singh Faculty [email protected] 9470065905