राज नारायण कॉलेज, हाजीपुर ने NAAC मूल्यांकन प्रक्रिया के दूसरे चक्र को सफलतापूर्वक पूरा किया और उसे B+ दिया गया - सभी हितधारकों को बधाई! Raj Narain College, Hajipur successfully completed the second cycle of NAAC assessment process and was given Grade- B+ congratulations to all stakeholders!

About Training & Placement Cell

Greetings from Raj Narain College, Hajipur, Vaishali Raj Narain College is a leading Constituent college of B.R.A Bihar University Muzaffarpur, dedicated to and sharing professional, scientific, and technological knowledge with an applied mindset that serves humanity with local and global prospects. This prestigious institution reflects the hopes for a new India by actively searching for connections between known facts and new ones, providing deep insights into the rapidly expanding body of knowledge, sharing these advantages with the broader community. Raj Narain College is committed to developing talented, capable and knowledgable individuals in the modern technological age by offering creative internships in cutting-edge technology. Our Tec Innovation Hub, Technology Incubation Centre, tinkering labs, and dynamic tech-driven culture produce a talent pool of unparalleled qualification dedicated to global welfare and national advancement. The rapid advancement of technology compels us to constantly re-imagine and reinvent cutting-edge training modules for our students. Our internship programs in different areas reliably generate competent human resources capable of tackling technological challenges and fostering innovation in all Fields. Our extensive skill development and reskilling initiatives ensure that our students are future-ready. I am confident that out students will excel and significantly contribute to you organisation�s ambitions. I am hopeful that our local and global industries will provide internships and job opportunities to our students, fostering a relationship that extends beyond initial engagements to mutual long-term benefits. I extend my deep appreciation for our industry partners who have recognized the depth of our rich and diverse talent pool and accorded valuable opportunities I am grateful to our industry partners who have offered great possibilities and acknowledged the breadth of our skill pool and depth of reach. I�m looking forward to having you visit our campus soon. Professor J.P.Tripathi TPO, Raj Narain College, Hajipur

It gives me immense pleasure to cordially invite you to participate in the Placement and Internship Session 2023-24 at the Raj Narain College, Hajipur(Vaishali). It is my sincere belief that our institute and your esteemed organization stand to gain immensely from this partnership. Having pioneered College in Bihar, Raj Narain college has continuously been ranked among the elite institutions of the University (B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzaffarpur. Our relentless pursuit of excellence has made our institute a focal point in education among the brightest minds in India. With increasing emphasis being placed on job-ready talent for the industry, Raj Narain College, Hajipur has taken great care in ensuring the technical brilliance of all its students. All undergraduate students undergo summer training in reputed companies/institutions/organizations as part of their academic curriculum. The experience is further supplemented by frequent industry interaction. The Institute has also focused greatly on inculcating the innovative entrepreneurial spirit into the minds of its capable students. More information about the College and various programmes/ courses offered to the students is available in the placement brochure. Please feel free to contact the Training and Placement Office in case of any queries. I look forward to a fruitful and mutually beneficial relationship with your esteemed organization. Dr. Rakesh Ranjan Coordinator, Training and Placement Cell, Raj Narain College, Hajipur (Vaishali)

Training & Placement Cell

Sl. No. Name of Committees Details
1 Training and Placement Committee View & Download
2 Training & Placement Cell Activity-2/2024 ( Raj Narain College ,Hajipur : Seeking candidates for 3-day training program on Digital Literacy , Collaboration with ICICI Foundation, Patna View & Download